Frequently asked questions

Here you'll find my answers to frequently asked questions about hypnosis and its practice. To get to know me better as a person, it's here.

Is hypnosis like sleep?

No. Although the word “hypnosis” is derived from the Greek god of sleep, Hypnos. In simple terms, hypnosis is a state of focused consciousness. 

What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis is a very personal experience, as it is directly linked to our inner self. It is often perceived as a waking dream, accompanied by intense, effortless inner concentration.

Can anyone be hypnotized?

Hypnosis uses trance, a natural state that we all experience daily at different levels of intensity. Entering hypnosis in a dedicated session may be easier for some, but all it takes is motivation and the ability to follow simple instructions.

Will I lose control during the session?

No. All hypnosis is basically self-hypnosis, and you can't be made to do something you don't want to do. Shows where people find themselves acting on stage as if they were chickens, for example, are for entertainment purposes only, and the participants on stage are carefully selected with a willingness to have such experiences.

Is it possible to get stuck in hypnosis?

No. Hypnosis is a natural state, and you can come out of it at any time if you wish.

Will the session be confidential?

Of course, every session is strictly confidential.