Blue Monday is an excellent opportunity to remember that our reality is shaped by our beliefs. Beyond the difficulties and disappointments, let's never forget that we are empowered to change our daily lives by working on ourselves.
Blue Monday, between marketing and urban legend
Today, January 20, is “Blue Monday”, supposedly the most depressing day of the year. Nothing to do with New Order's 1983 hit. The Blue Monday we're interested in here is a marketing stunt carried out by a travel agency in 2005. The third Monday in January was identified as the “most depressing day of the year” by means of a pseudo equation combining money, weather, and motivation, among other things.
The fiction has since become reality because we collectively believe in it. Even if there is no rational basis for this belief, many people regard this day as just another piece of bad news in their daily lives. With just two clicks on the internet, it's even possible to buy T-shirts and other goodies testifying to your extraordinary resilience.
Perception filters
It's a question of mindset. Two people can view the same reality in diametrically opposed ways, depending on their inner disposition. For example, a cold, foggy day (as is the case here in Luxembourg today) will be experienced by one person as a hardship, by the other as an opportunity for cocooning.
Our psyche constantly shapes our experience of the world. Our beliefs, expectations, and emotional states are the lenses through which we perceive reality. And like a poorly adjusted camera, these filters can considerably distort the image. Our perception of reality is by definition subjective and highly personal. So let's use our psyche to shape our reality in a constructive, positive way.
Blue or red pill ?
Our mind's perception filters are the source of self-fulfilling prophecies. If I'm convinced that today is going to be terrible, my brain will naturally pick out and amplify anything that confirms this belief. I'll then unconsciously adopt an attitude that will attract more negativity, reinforcing my initial conviction; unsurprisingly, my day will be terrible, and I'll end it thinking fatalistically, “Well, I knew it anyway.”
The good news is that this works both ways. We can adjust our inner filters for a more constructive perception of reality, taking care not to give in to angelism and deny difficulties. The aim is to achieve a more balanced perception of our reality so that we can feel better and move forward serenely towards our goals.
So, to quote the famous scene from the film “The Matrix”, which reality do you choose? The blue pill, blue like Blue Monday, or the red pill where you're moving forward?
Hypnosis to readjust our perception filters
If our perception filters are activated mainly at the unconscious level, how can we adjust them effectively? This is where hypnosis reveals all its relevance, power, and elegance.
The hypnotic state creates the ideal conditions to enable us to adjust our perception filters so that our perception serves our objectives in a constructive way. This work is done gently, without forcing, in collaboration with a certified practitioner who uses hypnotic techniques to accompany each step.
The experience is unique to each individual and enables us to cross thresholds, turn the page on unsatisfactory periods, and truly move on. Ideal when it's time to make new resolutions!
This is why Blue Monday presents a chance to regain control instead of dwelling in self-pity. Rather than asking whether this third Monday of January is objectively the most depressing day of the year, it's worth asking ourselves what kind of reality we choose to inhabit.
To make every day, even a Blue Monday, an opportunity for growth and fulfillment, don't hesitate to seek out a certified hypnosis practitioner.
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